Now that the Pirate Sherry has been poured, and Pirate Ship safely stored, it’s time to start thinking about the 2017 GLOC summer show!
Next Summer, GLOC will be performing Iolanthe; or, the Peer and the Peri at the fantastic Bridewell Theatre – and we’re looking for a talented, enthusiastic director to bring the show to life!
This is a fantastic opportunity to direct a leading amateur Gilbert and Sullivan company with a large cast and full orchestra, performing sell-out shows in central London. Five performances of the opera, including a matinee, will be staged at the Bridewell Theatre in the week of 11 June 2017.
If you think you’ve got what it takes to put on a GLOC show, we’d love to hear from you! Click here for a Director’s pack, with the application form here, or just email us at [email protected] to find out more.
The deadline for applications is Sunday 9th October – we can’t wait to hear all about your wonderful ideas, so get in touch!