Winter concert and 75th success! - Grosvenor Light Opera Company

Winter concert and 75th success!

Congratulations to all our cast and crew for executing a fabulous show and Diamond Jubilee party! The show was a magnificent and energetic collection of scenes, followed by a fabulous celebration of all things GLOC for our 75th party!

One of the highlights of the evening was having some of our longest standing members and supporters joining us at the event. The pinnacle of the evening was our guest speaker and longstanding member and supporter, Pam Everton’s wonderful speech! Read on below for a copy of Pam’s wonderful speech, as well as some interesting thoughts from another angel and longstanding member, Chris Crowcroft! Additionally, we would like to say a huge thank you to another special guest, Rebecca Wilmshurst, the daughter of our founder John Wilmshurst and longstanding member and supporter Jean Wilmshurst, for the very generous donation to digitalise our archives!

Brilliant speech given at our Diamond Jubilee by Pam Everton

Huge thank you to Pam Everton for a fabulous speech and hilarious stories connecting us with our past! It was the highlight of celebrations!

Interesting anecdote from Chris Crowcroft

A note from Chris Roberts!

A thank you to Rebecca Wilmshurst!

We would also like to say a huge thank you to our wonderful support Rebecca Wilmshurst, the daughter of our founder John Wilmshurst and long-time member and supporter Jean Wilmshurst. Even Rebecca’s aunties were in the company in 1949! The Wilmshurst support over the years has been hugely meaningful, it’s especially special to have an immediate connection to our past and the people that founded this wonderful community. In addition, Rebecca has kindly made a considerable donation towards the cost of digitalising our archives! We are hugely thankful to Rebecca and all the Wilmshursts, not only for creating this wonderful company in 1949, supporting it throughout the years, but also helping us preserve it’s history for all to enjoy today and for many more decades to come!

Share your story!

Do you have a memory, story or photo album you would be willing to share with us?

We would love to see it!! Please get in touch by emailing [email protected]