Our winter show this year will be an evening of varied songs, comedy and sketches; including some chorus medleys (a bit of G&S, a soupçon of musical theatre and a collection of Christmas classics), individual skits and solos, and a specially written panto-style melodrama (oh yes it is!).
We’ve had a couple of weeks of rehearsals already, but it’s not too late to get involved! We rehearse every Wednesday evening, 6.45-9.45pm, in St Gabriel’s Halls, Pimlico, SW1V 3AA. Come along and give us a try – we’re a very friendly, welcoming bunch, and you’ll always find a contingent heading for a quick drink after each rehearsal! There’s no auditions to be in the chorus, and the music is all accessible and fun to sing, with a little bit of cockney dancing thrown in for good measure!